What is happening

Arc Flash Awareness

April 30, 2024
An illustration of Arc Flash occurrences, how, why and what causes them, the life and career-changing injuries, fatalities and the catastrophic damage an Arc Flash creates. The responsibilities of stakeholders and engineers and the devastating legal consequences.
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Electric Arc Flash Hazard Management in the Energy Industry

June 5, 2024
The Electricity at Work Regulations call out a number of hazards that could cause death or personal injury when working around electricity. Some, like electric shock, are well understood and managed, but can the same be said about electrical arc flash? How well is this hazard understood, recognised and managed in electrical equipment operational throughout industry?
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What is an Arc Flash?

June 7, 2024
An overview of what an Arc Flash is, how it occurs, indications & what to be aware of; simple measures to prevent
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Prevention is better than Cure

June 7, 2024
Partial Discharge Monitoring, a simple way of detecting and preventing potential Arc Flash before it occurs
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Arc Flash Studies and Assessments

June 7, 2024
Do you know how to undertake an Arc Flash study and assess the risks? What are they, do we legally require one, what is the cost? Emad Hamadi takes us through this process.
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How to reduce Arc Flash Incident Energy level with today’s technology

June 7, 2024
The amazing technology that runs independently to all other protection devices that guarantees a safer and reduced working energy level
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Arc Flash Case Studies

June 7, 2024
What do you actually do when an Arc Flash has occurred?
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On-site procedures to ensure safe working

June 7, 2024
What are your responsibilities? Whether a Director or an Employee, if you do not know you are open to criminal charges.
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Arc Rated PPE - The Last Line of Defence

June 7, 2024
Although we can take steps to reduce the likelihood and severity of an Arc Flash, it cannot never be ruled out. Understand the protection you need in the event of an Arc Flash explosion.
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